Wednesday, March 17, 2010

What is On-Hold Messaging?

As obvious as on-hold messaging may seem to many people, many more people are not real sure what it is when I tell them that we do On-hold messaging for businesses. I get all types of responses ranging from the "deer in the headlights" to "Oh! like right before I leave a message?" I wanted to clarify for those that are unsure what on-hold messages are.

When you call a business and either ask to speak with someone or are placed on hold while the business representative is looking up information, you typically hear something. What you are hearing, generally is one of four things:

Silence - Not good. Most callers will hang up if they are left in silence for more than 60 seconds.

Radio - Also, not good. Suppose you own an AC repair company and while your customer is waiting for your quote, an advertisement for a competitor comes on offering $100 dollars off their next service call. You've just done some effective advertising for another company to your client.

CD - Simply put, this is illegal. You have to obtain a license to be able to "broadcast" someone else's music.

On-Hold Messaging - By far the best option. This is a professionally recorded work that utilizes the captive audiences attention to talk about your business. Many of my clients will answer FAQs, discuss why their service is the best choice, advertise specials or direct clients to their websites. Beneath these powerful messages clients enjoy nice selections of fully licensed music and between the messages they are thanked for their time and patience.

If you own a business and handle any amount of call volume, you should heavily consider taking advantage of on-hold messaging. This not only gives your business a polished and professional image, but it also leverages a captive audience who is obviously already interested in what you have to offer.

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